“The thing about happiness is that you only know you had it when it’s gone.”

From: Fallout 4

Genre: Video games

Who said it?: Conrad Kellogg 

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote is a submission from INTernal Jordan and his quote seems very appropriate as it comes from Fallout 4, a game that just made it’s one year anniversary this year! Thanks, INTernal Jordan!

The quote comes from one of the antagonists of the game, Conrad Kellogg. Kellogg is a mercenary who usually takes jobs from The Institute, a shadowy group that is trying to control the entire Commonwealth. The Sole Survivor does kill Kellogg in a long drawn out battle and you gain access to the mercenary’s memories and you can view them via one of your companions, the synth turned private eye, Nick Valentine. By viewing Kellogg’s memories, you do get to see his life and all of the hardships he faced. However, there was one time when he was actually content in his life: when he was with his wife Sarah and their child, Mary…

Geek wisdom: We sometimes never really know we’re really happy now because we’re all too focused on the bad stuff that’s happening in our life. We can forget all of the good things and experiences we have at this very moment.

Don’t focus on chasing happiness, because that’s when it becomes unreachable. Instead, focus on the things that makes us happy now.