“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”

From: The Help

Genre: Movies/Books

Who said it?: Aibileen Clark

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote comes from 2011 film, The Help. Based on the book by Kathryn Stockett, The Help is set in the 1950’s and tells the story of an aspiring journalist who decides to focus on writing a book about the abuses of “colored” domestic workers during the time.

The quote actually comes from different parts of the movie but is always delivered by Aibileen Clark (played by Viola Davis). She would tell the young girl under her charge to make sure she felt loved and to tell her how special she is.

Geek wisdom: We all are special in our own way. However, it’s always nice to hear someone tells us that. So, once in a while, remember to tell the ones close to you just that.