“Never rub another man’s rhubarb.”

From: Batman (1989)

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Joker

The story behind the quote: This is going to be weird since I’ve actually used the clip for another piece of Geek Wisdom but it is the best way to get the quote…

The quote comes from the 1989 Batman film directed by Tim Burton. It was a smash-hit and returned The Dark Knight to a more serious tone than what was established in the campy (but still wonderful) ’60s television series.

The quote comes from the middle of the movie, The Joker (played by Jack Nicholson) is terrorizing Vicki Vale (played by Kim Bassinger). Bruce Wayne interrupts and Bruce tries to intervene but The Joker, mildly upset that Vicki Vale was “seeing another guy,” just shoots him. The Clown Prince of Crime looks at the fallen body of Bruce Wayne and then delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: What’s yours is yours. What’s mine is mine. Don’t try to steal anything and be happy with what you have. If you aren’t, then go out and earn it rather than try to take what isn’t rightfully yours.

“You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?”

From: Batman (1989)

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Jack/Joker

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote comes from Tim Burton’s first take on Batman way back in 1989. The movie was a smash hit and, believe it or not, shed the “campy” mystique mainstream audiences associated with the character thanks to the (still rather wonderful) Batman live-action television series left. It made general audiences aware of Batman’s original dark roots and the movie lent a hand to the revival of superhero films.

The quote actually is mentioned several times throughout the film and can be considered to be Jack Napier/The Joker’s (played by Jack Nicholson) catchphrase. In one memorable instance, when confronted by Bruce Wayne (played by Michael Keaton) while in Vicki Vale’s (played by Kim Basigner) apartment, he delivers the quote and explains that he just likes how the phrase sounds.

Geek wisdom: Although Jack/Joker says it doesn’t really mean anything, there is a way to interpret the quote to have a deeper meaning. Essentially, The Joker delivers the catchphrase to anyone he’s about to kill. This could be his way of asking them if they ever tempted fate and did something so dangerous that their life may be threatened.

While it may be sometimes exhilarating to do something death defying, it may sometimes be better not to, especially if there is a chance of perishing because of it. You only live once, you know.