“The hardest choices require the strongest of wills.”

From: Avengers: Infinity War

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Thanos

The story behind the quote: While I have touched upon a lot of quotes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the past, this is the first quote from a villian. Avengers: Infinity War focuses on Thanos (played by Josh Brolin) and his quest to gather the Infinity Stones to fulfill his plan to eliminate half the galaxy’s population to prevent suffering from a lack of resources. The Avengers stumble upon the plot and try to stop him.

The quote comes from the third act of the film. Thanos arrives on Titan to retrieve the Time Stone from Doctor Strange (played by Benedict Cumberbatch). Thanos explains to Doctor Strange how his planet used to be glorious but his plan to half his world’s population to prevent its annihilation was scoffed at. He then explains how, after he achieves his plan to do it on a universal scale, he’ll finally rest. This is when he delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: Sometimes, it feels so much easier to just quit when the going gets tough. However, only the people with really strong willpower will push though when the going gets tough.

“You should have gone for the head.” AND “I went for the head.”

From: Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Thanos and Thor

The story behind the quote: This week, we are going to look at a couple of quotes from the Marvel movies that are linked to each other. They come from the two-part Avengers films, Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame.

The first quote comes near the end of Avengers: Infinity War. Thanos (played by Josh Brolin) had just gathered all the Infinity Stones and is about to snap his fingers to extinguish half of all living things in the universe. Thor (played by Chris Hemsworth) tries to stop the Mad Titan and he seemingly is successful by stabbing Thanos in the chest with his axe. As Thor gloats, he doesn’t realize that Thanos still has enough strength to snap his fingers, which he does but not before delivering the quote.

The second quote comes from the opening moments of Infinity War’s sequel, Endgame. The Avengers managed to track down Thanos and, in the hopes of undoing what had happened, confront the Mad Titan. However, Thanos informs them that he destroyed the Infinity Stones. In frustration, Thor chops off Thanos’ head. When asked if he knew what he was doing, Thor delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: As there are two quotes, there are two pieces of GeekWisdom to tackle. However, they are both connected. You should never go for half measures when it is important. Always take the time to ensure that something is truly complete and nothing can be left to chance for those things that are important.

For the second quote, doing things you should have done may feel cathartic but ultimately useless. While Thor did get some form of revenge on Thanos by chopping off his head, this did prove to be ineffective since it won’t bring back the Infinity Stones. Take the opportunities when they present themselves so that you don’t have any regrets later on.

“Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.”

From: Avengers: Infinity War

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Thanos

The story behind the quote: While I have touched upon a lot of quotes from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the past, this is the first quote from a villian. Avengers: Infinity War focuses on Thanos (played by Josh Brolin) and his quest to gather the Infinity Stones to fulfill his plan to eliminate half the galaxy’s population to prevent suffering from a lack of resources. The Avengers stumble upon the plot and try to stop him.

The quote comes from the early part of the film. Thor’s ship, from the end of Thor: Ragnarok, is attacked by Thanos. As Thanos surveys the carnage, he explains that he knows the pain of losing, despite knowing their in the right. This is when he delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: Time marches on and waits for no one. Whatever the future will hold, it’s something that’s going to happen and, while you can try to procrastinate and delay the inevitable, it will come despite your attempts to stop it. That’s just the way time works.