“Rats are the lowliest and most despised of all creatures, my love. If they have a purpose, so do we.

From: The Suicide Squad (2021)

Genre: Movies, Comics

Who said it?: Ratcatcher 1

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote comes from the live-action DC comic book movie, The Suicide Squad. This is not to be confused with the film that was released in 2016. Written and directed by James Gunn, The Suicide Squad serves both as a sequel and a reboot of the franchise, which sees various supervillains from DC comics recruited to serve on black ops missions for the US government.

The quote comes near the very end of the film. Overwhelmed by Starro the Conqueror’s zombie-like soldiers, Ratcatcher 2 (played by Daniela Melchior) uses her ability and summons all the city’s rats to attack the alien creature. As she does this, she remembers when she was young and asking her father, Ratcatcher 1 (played by Taika Waititi), as to why he chose to control rats. This is when he gives the quote.

Geek wisdom: Every thing in the world and in the universe has its purpose. Even the tiniest thing you might think as useless still has its uses. This is especially true for people.