“Go confront the problem! Fight! Win!”

From: The Incredibles

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Edna Mode

The story behind the quote: The quote comes from Disney/Pixar CG animated movie The Incredibles. The film is about a family of retired superheroes headed by Mr. Incredible. He is hired by a mysterious company to take out a rogue robot. Once he does, he starts to use his powers more openly, not knowing the company he’s working for has nefarious motives.

The quote comes in the middle of the problem. Helen Parr/Elastigirl (voiced by Holly Hunter) goes and visits former superhero costume designer Edna Mode (voiced by The Incredibles director Brad Bird) and she laments that her husband, Bob Parr/Mr. Incredible, may be having an affair. Edna Mode cannot believe that Elasigirl is just crying about it and tells her to go after her husband and confront him while delivering the quote.

Geek wisdom: Whining and crying about a problem won’t help solve it. Take action in solving the problem to get rid of it.

“Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.”

From: The Incredibles

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Elastigirl/Helen Parr

The story behind the quote: The quote comes from Disney/Pixar CG animated movie The Incredibles. The film is about a family of retired superheroes headed by Mr. Incredible. He is hired by a mysterious company to take out a rogue robot. Once he does, he starts to use his powers more openly, not knowing the company he’s working for has nefarious motives.

The quote comes in the middle of the film. After arriving on the island where Mr. Incredible is being held, Helen Parr AKA Elastigirl (voiced by Holly Hunter) tells her children she’s going to explore the island to rescue her husband and their father. She tells them to put on the mask to disguise themselves, delivering the quote in the process.

Geek wisdom: You are who you are and you should always be proud of who you are. Your very being is what makes you special and unique, after all.

“Done properly, parenting can be a heroic act… Done properly.”

From: The Incredibles 2

Genre: Movies, Cartoons

Who said it?: Edna Mode

The story behind the quote: This quote comes from The Incredibles 2, Disney and Pixar second film in the franchise. The film takes place a few weeks after the first Incredibles film. But this time, it’s Elastigirl doing the superheroing while Mr. Incredible stays home to take care of the household duties.

The quote comes from the middle of the film. Thanks to Jack-Jack’s plethora of emerging powers, Mr. Incredible (voiced by Craig T. Nelson) goes to Edna Mode (once again voiced by Brad Bird, who also wrote and directed the film) for assistance as he has become incredible tired dealing with Jack-Jack. Mr. Incredible tells Edna the woes he’s experienced since becoming head of the household. This is when Edna Mode turns to Mr. Incredible and delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: Being a parent can be a thankless job but it’s actually one of the most noble jobs out there as you are taking care of someone. However, it’s only noble if you really pour some time and effort into it. You can’t just half-ass the job of raising children.

“I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.”

From: The Incredibles

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Edna Mode

The story behind the quote: The quote comes from Pixar CG animated movie The Incredibles. The film is about a family of retired superheroes headed by Mr. Incredible. He is hired by a mysterious company to take out a rogue robot. Once he does, he starts to use his powers more openly, not knowing the company he’s working for has nefarious motives.

The quote comes from superhero costume designer Edna Mode. Mr. Incredible goes to her to get his old supersuit fixed. Edna Mode decides the suit needs an updated look. Mr. Incredible sarcastically comments that it was she that designed the original outfit. This is when she delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: We all look at past events frequently. Sometimes, we remember them fondly and wish things were just like that right at this moment. At times, we look at our past mistakes and lament how our choices had led us to this point in time. While looking to the past may be fine at times, it’s best to focus on the present.

If you want life to be as good as it was before, do something about it. If your choices had dug you into a hole, stop focusing on what led you in there and concentrate of getting you out of the situation.