“If every instinct you’ve had is wrong, then the opposite would have to be right.”

From: Seinfeld

Genre: Television

Who said it?: Jerry Seinfeld

The story behind the quote: This is another quote from the mega-hit sitcom from the 90’s, Seinfeld. This week’s quote comes from the appropriately entitled episode from the final episode of the 5th season, appropriately titled “The Opposite.”

During the episode, George Costanza (played by Jason Alexander) laments how all of his decisions have been bad and led him to being jobless and moving back with his parents. He then proclaims he will start doing the opposite of his instincts. When a beautiful woman looks at his direction, George hesitates to go talk to her as he thinks it would be a terrible decision but Jerry reminds him of what he said earlier by delivering the quote.

Geek wisdom: Sometimes, your gut instincts might be wrong. It may feel right but it might be a smart move to take a minute and actually think about it instead of going with your instincts.

“But are you still ‘master of your domain’?”

From: Seinfeld

Genre: Television

Who said it?: A lot of the the cast!

The story behind the quote: We’ve already had a lot of other Seinfeld quotes on here. But that’s only natural as this legendary show has so many of them! So, what’s one more, huh?

This week’s quote comes from one of the most memorable episodes from the hit show, The Contest. The episode is so good that it won the show a Primetime Emmy for Writing as well as being ranked number 1 by TV Guide in their “Top 100 Episodes of All Time” list.

The episode has the titular characters Jerry Seinfeld, George Costanza, Cosmo Kramer and Elaine Benes making a bet between themselves to see who can go the longest without masturbating. However, before the episode was set to begin filming, the Seinfeld team got a note that they couldn’t use the word “masturbate.” As such, the writing team cleverly rewrote the script to instead use euphemisms, such as “master of your own domain” to see if they had lost the contest.

Geek wisdom: People have a tendency for self-gratification at a moments notice. It’s so easy to indulge yourself as things can be had at the snap of a finger. However, there are going to be consequences with overindulging as well. Sometimes, we need to have some self-control to curb these urges.

We need to be the masters of our own domain sometimes.