“Where did you learn to fly?”

From: Cybermorph

Genre: Video Games

Who said it?: Skylar

The story behind the quote: Cybermorph is a 3D shooter that was released on the Atari Jaguar video game console. While the game was nothing spectacular and definitely wasn’t memorable, Cybermorph did gain some publicity when the Internet personality called The Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed the Atari Jaguar console in the 65th and 66th episodes of his show.

The main focus of the Nerd’s rage was the the pilot’s AI assistant, Skylar. Skylar is a floating green head who’s main purpose was to assist the player in navigating the world. However, whenever you crash into a solid object, be it a mountain, wall or otherwise, Skylar would berate you by delivering the quote.

Geek wisdom: People will make mistakes. It’s part of living. The thing is we should learn from these mistakes. In fact, we shouldn’t be scared of making mistakes. As long as we can survive and better ourselves afterwards, committing errors is a valuable way to learn and improve ourselves.

Another point to know is to not insult or focus too much on the errors of others. If you want people to learn, you have to encourage them to do so. Besides, you wouldn’t want people telling you the same thing over and over again, reminding you of your failure, right?