“Winners don’t use drugs”

From: Classic Arcade Games

Genre: Video Games, Internet

Who said it?: William S. Sessions

The story behind the quote: This is a pretty weird entry as this didn’t come from any particular game. Rather, the quote was shown in practically every arcade game released in the United States from the late 80’s until the end of the 90’s. The slogan was the brainchild of William S. Session, then the Director of the FBI.

The quote was posted prominently in a lot of arcade games’ “attract mode” (the “preview” of the game, if you will). The FBI logo and the quote (with Session’s name at the bottom most of the time) would be plastered before the game shows off a demo.


Geek wisdom: Life can be hard and sometimes we feel a great need to escape from the trouble life gives us. However, using drugs is not the answer. Drugs may be a temporary escape but that’s all it is: temporary. It’s not a solution. The only way to resolve a problem is to take it head on.