“You know the thing about chaos? It’s fair.”

From: Batman, specifically, The Dark Knight

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: The Joker

The story behind the quote: You know a movie is good when you can pull off multiple quotes from it. And you know a character is fantastic when you can use a majority of his quotes! Once again, I’m pulling from The Dark Knight, the second from Christopher Nolan’s trilogy of Batman moves and, once again, the quote comes from The Joker, played by the late Heath Ledger.

The quote comes from late part of the movie. Harvey Dent (played by Aaron Ekhart) is laid up in the hospital when the Joker visits him. The Joker then tells Harvey that he’s not the reason for him becoming disfigured as he was just thwarting the normal order of things and how people go crazy when things don’t go according to their plans. The Joker then pulls a pistol and manipulates Harvey into thinking the way he does. He punctuates this by delivering the quote.

Geek wisdom: Although the Joker is clinically insane, he does have a point. Life is unfair but good things and bad things happen to each and everyone of us. No one is spared from the randomness of life.

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

From: Batman, specifically, The Dark Knight

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Harvey Dent

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote comes from the second film in Christopher Nolan’s Batman movies, The Dark Knight. The Dark Knight has Batman taking on a mysterious villain known as The Joker, who apparently is more concerned with sowing the seeds of chaos rather than his own gain.

The quote comes some time in the middle of the film. Bruce Wayne (played by Christian Bale) and he meets up with Gotham’s fresh new District Attorney, Harvey Dent (played by Aaron Eckhart). The group gets into a discussion if Gotham actually needs a vigilante like Batman. Harvey tells them a story about how the Romans would suspend democracy during times of war. Rachel Dawes (played this time by Maggie Gyllenhaal) points out the last person appointed to this post never relinquished his position. This is when Harvey delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: Sometimes, the best of intentions can steer you in the wrong direction. You may see your goals to be honorable and even be in the service of mankind but there is also the chance these very same decisions will cause more destruction.

“Michael Jordan plays ball. Charles Manson kills people. I talk. — Everyone has a talent.”

From: Thank You for Smoking

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Nick Naylor

The story behind the quote: This week’s quote comes from the dark comedy Thank You for Smoking. The film is based on the book of the same name. Both the book and the movie focuses on Nick Naylor, a suave lobbyist for Big Tobacco, who goes above and beyond the call of duty to perpetrate the notion that smoking can cause lung cancer.

The quote comes from the very end of the film. Naylor (played by Aaron Eckhart) has started his own lobbying firm. He meets up with cellphone manufacturers and tells them what to say when asked if cell phone radiation can cause brain cancer. He then turns to the audience and, in a voice over, delivers the quote.

Geek wisdom: Each and every one of us has a special skill that we can all utilize. Sometimes, however, it will take a lot of hard work to find what your talent is. And sometimes, the talent that you have may even prove to be distasteful to others. That’s not the point. The point is that everyone is going to be good at something; it’s all about finding out what it is and what you do with that talent.