“I love mankind… It’s people I can’t stand!”

From: Peanuts

Genre: Comics

Who said it?: Linus Van Pelt

The story behind the quote: The quote comes the very popular Peanuts comic strip. Created by Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts featured a huge cast of characters, including the born loser Charlie Brown, the enigmatic beagle named Snoopy, the Beethoven loving Schroeder, the ever crabby Lucy Van Pelt and her brother, the security blanket carrying Linus. The last two just so happen to be the topic of today.

The quote comes from a storyline wherein Linus proclaims he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Lucy then scoffs at the idea because she believes her brother doesn’t love mankind. This is when Linus gives the quote as a retort.

I love Mankind

Geek wisdom: The idea of people and humanity as a whole is very idyllic and we want to believe we all will do things for the greater good. Unfortunately, there will always be people who will be selfish and only care for themselves. It’s easy to love humanity as a whole but there are always going to be individuals you can’t help but dislike.

Author: Victor de la Cruz

Most of my childhood (and adult life) was spent doing a lot of geeky stuff: watching TV, playing video games and going to the movies. To some, it may have been a waste of time. Well, to me, it has made me what I am today... a geeky adult. I actually write for a couple of blogs, namely: geekwisdom.wordpress.com 3rdworldgeeks.com gamemoir.com Please check them out!

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